Everyday Innovation

Learning the Secret to Intentional Innovation

“Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better.” Sydney J. Harris

Tired of false starts? Unfulfillment in work or relationships? Repeating the same patterns over and over again? Being passed over or pigeon-holed? Feeling overwhelmed and stressed about the challenges you are facing?

It’s time for a change. Learn the secret to intentional innovation.

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“This book will help you take the practical steps to get you moving in the right direction...

Chris Ediger simply defines the concepts of innovation and change and helps us to see how we can become innovative individuals even if we’ve never seen ourselves in that light. The book is very easy to read and includes frequent calls for action and exercises to help the reader comprehend and put to practice each stage of learning. It empowered me in several areas of my life to take simple steps that have reaped huge rewards.”

~ Craig Webb

“Everyday Innovation offers a simple and easy process to innovation...”

Innovation and change doesn’t exactly come easy for me, but Chris Ediger provided a useful tool to evaluate each area of my life. This book has been a catalyst for evaluation and change. Quick read and simple process!”

~ Chase Baker

“Business leaders should make it a must read for their management teams...”

“According to IBM, ‘There are no more static or predictable patterns in business anymore: Continuous change is the new norm. To stay relevant in a fast-changing world, business leaders must continually change and innovate as well.’ In Everyday Innovation, Chris Ediger takes each reader through a more thorough understanding of themselves, everyday processes, and how to insure that we can navigate innovation in all aspects of our lives. Business leaders should not only take the time to read this book, but make it a must read for their management team.”

~ RC Canfield

“This book is simple yet powerful...

I would highly recommend this book to entrepreneurs, leaders, and really anyone looking to add some spark and innovation in their life. It is an easy read and worth every penny (if not more).”

~ Michael Williams

Named One of NoiseTrade.com's Favorite New Authors

“May just be the kick in the pants you need to make positive breakthroughs in your life...”

“A quick and easy read. None of the business jargon we all hate. This is practical, useful, and may just be the kick in the pants you need to make positive breakthrough changes in your life. If you don’t do read this for yourself, read it for your family.”

~ Alec Hendryx

“Everyday Innovation takes the complication out of innovation...

Chris Ediger provides a simple, proven path to follow. I’ve quickly begun using the book as a template to moving forward in several “stuck” areas of my life and work.”

~ Brian Jennings